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Chocolate temptation*. (Chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream)

Vanilla cake*
with vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, coconut, mastic, raspberry or lemon buttercream

Chocolate Mud cake*
with buttercream filling

Lemon cake*
with either white ganache or black (or lemon) buttercream

Healthy delicious tropical carrot cake*
with cream cheese or chocolate filling.

Healthy beetroot cake*
with cheese or chocolate cream

Cake a la Greg*:
Sponge cake (chocolate or vanilla) drizzled with syrup (with or without alcohol) and filling with chocolate mousse or cream or dulce de leche cream. Optionally extra fruit or nuts.

Dulce de leche paradise:
(Vanilla sponge cake drizzled with syrup and alcohol (rhum) and filling with dulce de leche cream.

Red Velvet: Red Velvet Layer Cake with vanilla buutercream or cream cheese frosting

* In all cakes I can put either fruits or nuts.

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